Friday, April 20, 2007

Say it aint so.

I was full of such nervouse excitement as I sat in that theater. Waiting anxiously to see my boys! Venom and the web-head together on the silver screen at last.

Then I watched the film and realized...they replaced one of the most menacing villains of all time with...a girl...with a babydoll...a delicate little porcelain baby doll.

That wasn't Venom, that was something I wanted to forget all too quickly. Do over! Please Raimi do over!

The film would ramp up in goodness and the crash down in lameness, over and over again. Franco would bring it, Topher would bring it (as Brock pre-Venom) Dunst would get me teary-eyed- and then they would cut to a DANCE NUMBER.

Oh wait, that was a typo I meant to say DANCE NUMBER. Oh that's what I said? Oh man, I guess it wasn't a typo- I mean it should be a typo, there SHOULDN'T BE a dance number in Spiderman 3. But there is.

There's also no momentum from the Brock storyline, fake depth to Sandman's, and no real movement or emotional shift in the film as a whole.

They try, don't get me wrong- the film wasn't a flagrant disregard to what we know and love about these comics- wait, you know what? No it was. It was totally an F you to anyone that gives a rip about Venom or Petey's origin or Gwen's involvement in his life.

There were some great moments, some truly touching moments, some truly hurtful moments- they had me for a greater part of the film, but when they lost me- they LOST me.

I need to forget I even saw it and just move on...maybe Tim Story will blaze it with FF2...oh wait, it's humanly impossible for him to blaze anything. Dangit.

Well maybe the guy that made Transporter will blaze Hulk...oh wait...Dangit.

Well maybe in ten years they'll re-boot the Spidey franchise and we'll finally see the comics onscreen- instead of whatever it was I saw last night.

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