Saturday, December 15, 2007

"I am not Legend" review

Clever title right?

It seems like no filmmaker knows how to finish anymore. They can execute great beginnings, even keep the suspense through the "second act" of a story. But by minute 80 it falls apart. This film is a failure. It's a failure for numerous reasons- one of the greatest reasons is its deviation from guts-having. The bottom line is, why doesn't anyone have the guts to be original? Is it that horrifying a thought to just end a film on a NEW note as opposed to the note that is continually played by films with far less visual appeal and budget?

Also, on the topic of the overuse of CG. Um...I am Legend overuses CG. It's not as simple as "the creatures looked lame" it's more like..."the creatures looked like Casper the friendly ghost quality the Ricci version of Casper...and his uncles or cousins...or whatever the other three ghosts were...the CG sucked in that movie..."

Hmm...that was a succinct point.

Why did I have faith in F. Lawrence? The "I'm like a bird" video? Who knows. Let me say this...the movie ends with Will Smith finding out that he is not in fact "Legend"- but rather that there are many men still alive in a colony in Vermont. you "I am Legend" just call yourself "Will Smith and some other dudes are still alive...THE MOVIE".

It wasn't even a "plot twist" it was a "plot cop-out". This movie was castrated from frame one, with no cojones intact from the book or graphic novel interpretation. This movie was a eunuch. JUST GO in a DIRECTION...hollywood filmmakers and hollywood stars. Take us SOMEWHERE instead of meandering around in mediocreville waiting for the next train to sameplacetown.

There are some well constructed moments in the film, I trusted it through Sam dying, I trusted it through Robert losing it on the edge of the piier SOON as the female character and her son are introduced- I lost interest in this movie like I was watching Miami Ink without Kat Von D. There was no point to the film existing from that point on. No point in the tension that was built- no point in the atmosphere and mood that was built- and no point in Will Smith's teary-eyed action hero performance.

The film was a waste and a disappointment. However, what was not a disappointment was the trailer for this film...

Now, it may not be how I would portray the Joker if I was Nolan. I miss the angular face and sharp chin from the comics. I still want to know what Crispin Glover or Vincent Gallo would have done with the role. But the TRAILER, the edit, the pacing and execution of shots- was breathtaking and suspenseful like no trailer I've seen since...the trailer for Batman Begins.

I watched the 6 min. prologue as well and hmm...perfection.

That's it for now...until P.S. I love you...

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